Zimbabwean artist makes a stunning entry into the 2024 Pandemics Journal

Just as they say that persistence pays, there's no way denying that this might as well be some form of special recognition, awarded for his keeping focused on a poetry theme that relentlessly churns out anti-hunger verses year in year out beginning 2018 to date, way down from Africa, Zimbabwe. It can be safely said that the world's circles, in one way or another, begin to notice and reward the smallest of efforts in a big cause to help alleviate the scourge of hunger.

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Zimbabwe: Parliamentary Committees Embark on Fact-Finding Mission to Tackle Drug and Substance Abuse

Harare, Zimbabwe - The Joint Portfolio Committee on Youth Empowerment, Development & Vocational Training and the Thematic Committee on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will conduct a series of fact-finding visits to drug and substance abuse rehabilitation centers across the country.

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Zimbabwe Launches SUPERMODEL Competition to Boost Creative Economy

HARARE, ZIMBABWE - June 19, 2024: Zimbabwe is set to uncover its hidden gems in the fashion industry with the launch of the SUPERMODEL competition. This nationwide search aims to discover talented models, fashion designers, makeup artists, photographers, and other creative professionals.

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30 years later, where is Lesotho on sexual and reproductive health?

LESOTHO, Maseru – As this year marks 30 years since the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action, Lesotho reflects on the progress it has made in advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR).

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No One Sleeps Hungry (NOSH) Boosts Annual Aid Distribution by 25percent

Harare, Zimbabwe - The No One Sleeps Hungry (NOSH) organization, led by Medtech Holdings CEO Mr. Afzal Motiwala, has significantly increased its annual aid distribution by 25%. This year, NOSH provided food assistance to over 40,000 families across Zimbabwe during the Eid al-Adha celebrations, also known as the "feast of sacrifice."

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Linda Masarira Mourns the Loss of Veteran Journalist Lucy Yasini

HARARE, ZIMBABWE - Linda Masarira, President of LEAD Political Party, has expressed her heartfelt condolences following the passing of renowned journalist Lucy Yasini.

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President Ramaphosa Invites PAP President Hon Chief Charumbira to SA’s Presidential Inauguration

PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA - President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa has extended an invitation to the President of the Pan-African Parliament, Rt Hon Chief Fortune Charumbira, to attend the 2024 Presidential Inauguration on June 19th, 2024.

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Pan-African Parliament Set to Convene for 3rd Ordinary Session from 24th June to 5th July 2024

MIDRAND, SOUTH AFRICA - The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) is gearing up for its 3rd Ordinary Session of the Sixth Parliament, scheduled to take place from June 24th to July 5th, 2024. This plenary session will convene under the African Union's 2024 theme, "Educate an African Fit for the 21st Century: Building Resilient Education Systems for Increased Access to Inclusive, Lifelong, Quality, and Relevant Learning in Africa.

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Pan African Parliament President mourns Malawi’s Vice President Saulos Klaus Chilima

The Pan African Parliament (PAP) has expressed its deepest condolences to the government and people of Malawi following the sudden passing of Vice President Saulos los Klaus Chilima in a helicopter accident on Monday.

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Goshen Jerusalem Apostolic Church Holds Annual Conference in Kariba, Zimbabwe

In a unique setup, participants are residing in houseboats on the waters of Kariba, creating a tranquil atmosphere for reflection and planning. The conference aims to evaluate the progress of projects initiated in 2023 and map out a strategy for upcoming initiatives.

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