By Tendai Guvamombe

The President of the Pan-African Parliament, Chief Fortune Zephaniah Charumbira, called for a shift from border security measures to fostering development in Africa as a solution to irregular migration, during his keynote address at the Euro-Africa International Conference on Migration in Benghazi, Libya.

Charumbira highlighted the challenges he faced in traveling to the conference, which stemmed from Libya’s stricter border controls. He argued that these measures, while understandable, addressed the symptoms rather than the root causes of migration.

The Pan-African Parliament President emphasized the importance of collaboration between Europe and Africa to tackle the issue. He pointed to factors like poverty and lack of opportunity as key drivers of migration, and suggested that Europe should focus on supporting development initiatives in Africa.

Charumbira criticized external interference in African conflicts, which he argued contributed to instability and displacement. He urged Europe to work with Africa to “silence the guns” and create a more peaceful and prosperous continent.

The conference is expected to conclude with the adoption of a declaration on migration. Charumbira stressed the importance of accountability in implementing the agreed-upon measures.