Over 150 Delegates from Across Africa Gather to Reflect on Progress and Plan for the Future

By Tendai Guvamombe

KARIBA, ZIMBABWE – The Goshen Jerusalem Apostolic Church is currently hosting its annual conference in Kariba, Zimbabwe, from May 26th to June 2nd, 2024. The event has brought together over 150 delegates from various branches in South Africa, Mozambique, Botswana, Lesotho, and other nations.

In a unique setup, participants are residing in houseboats on the waters of Kariba, creating a tranquil atmosphere for reflection and planning. The conference aims to evaluate the progress of projects initiated in 2023 and map out a strategy for upcoming initiatives.

Apostle Biggy Mutawu, the Leader and Visionary of Goshen Jerusalem Apostolic Church, emphasized that the construction of a state-of-the-art conference center at Goshen in Epworth, Harare, is a top priority. This project is expected to give the church a new face and enhance its reputation as a witness to people worldwide.

“This year’s conference will focus on two main issues: evaluating the progress of 2023 projects and mapping out a strategy for upcoming initiatives. The flagship project among these is the construction of a state-of-the-art conference centre at Goshen in Epworth, Harare, ” Apostle Mutawu reiterated.

Since its inception in 1992, Goshen Jerusalem Apostolic Church has invested over $1.5 million in various projects, including the construction of modern infrastructure such as a church office, executive lounge, clinic, maternity room, and a perimeter wall.

The conference is a testament to the church’s commitment to growth, development, and community service. Delegates are expected to return to their respective countries inspired and equipped to continue the church’s mission.