By Tendai Guvamombe

Zimbabwean Legislators has congratulated Hon. Senator Chief Fortune Zephaniah Charumbira on his re-election as President of the continental body. The move has been hailed as a major victory for Zimbabwe and the Southern African region.

The Legislators revealed this during a recent Parliamentary Session in Zimbabwe.

Hon. Senator Chief Charumbira’s re-election has been seen as a testament to his transformative leadership and his commitment to the principles of rotation and equality within the Pan-African Parliament. His victory has been hailed as a major achievement for Zimbabwe and the Southern African region, and has been seen as a significant step forward for the continent as a whole.

In a statement, Hon. Senator Chief Siansali praised Hon. Senator Chief Charumbira’s re-election, saying: “This is a momentous occasion for Zimbabwe and the Southern African region. Hon. Senator Chief Charumbira’s re-election is a testament to his leadership and his commitment to the principles of rotation and equality within the Pan-African Parliament.”

Hon. Senator Chief Nechombo also congratulated Hon. Senator Chief Charumbira on his re-election, saying: “This is a great achievement for Zimbabwe and the Southern African region. Hon. Senator Chief Charumbira’s leadership has been instrumental in promoting the interests of our region and we look forward to his continued leadership in the Pan-African Parliament.”

The re-election of Hon. Senator Chief Charumbira has been seen as a major victory for Zimbabwe and the Southern African region, and has been hailed as a significant step forward for the continent as a whole. His leadership and commitment to the principles of rotation and equality have been praised by many, and his re-election is seen as a major achievement for the Pan-African Parliament.

In other statements, Hon. Senator Gotora, Hon. Senator Mavhenyenga, Hon. Senator Zvidzai, Hon. Senator Ritta Ndlovu, Hon. Senator Chabuka, Hon. Senator Zindi and Hon. Senator Phulu all congratulated Hon. Senator Chief Charumbira on his re-election, praising his leadership and commitment to the principles of rotation and equality within the Pan-African Parliament.